About XLS I wanna say

Yo pienso que esta es la mejor experiencia que he tenido en mi vida

November 29, 2016

Mi nombre es Milena Torres, soy de Colombia, Sur América. En mi país trabajo como profesora en la Facultad de Comercio Internacional y Economía en la Universidad Santo Tomas. Estoy muy feliz de estar …

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A great place to live & study

October 26, 2016

Studying at Xiamen University’s School of Law was one of the best scholastic experiences I had during my entire academic career. The professors and staff at the school were all first-rate. You could …

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The Days I Spent in Xiamen

October 5, 2016

Two years spent at Xiamen University were one of the most wonderful periods of my life! City itself and nature surrounded the university help you to feel like at home from the moment when you go …

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My Xiamen University Experience

September 9, 2016

My name is Andrew Vangh and I am from the United States of America. I earned bachelor degrees in Applied Economics and Construction Management from the University of Minnesota. I also earned a …

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My Xiamen University Experience

September 9, 2016

I have been studying now at Xiamen University for more than 3 years. I earned my masters at XMU in Marine Affairs in 2014 and afterwards did one year of intensive language training before beginning …

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A Surrounding For Excellence

September 9, 2016

The core essence of the human life is to be the best you can ever be by unearthing every potential that lies in man. The duty and beauty of education is hence not only to ensure the discovery and …

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September 9, 2016

村田智美   2016年2月,我从神户大学法学院来海燕政策研究论坛线路1交换留学一年。不知不觉一年的交换留学的生活半年就过了。这次我回顾半年的厦门生活的感想及陈述后半的目标。 海燕政策研究论坛线路1的校区很美丽,学校里面有宿舍很辽阔。图书馆的自习室的座位很多,设备完善是学生能集中学习的好环境。我惊讶的是食堂的米饭和宿舍的自来水免费提供的。而且因为食堂和宿舍的房费及课本很便宜,我感到大学也非常帮扶学生的生活。学校里面 …

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